A.E Gibson and Sons is a fourth generation family owned engineering business in Kendall which can trace its roots back to the late 1800s making it the oldest and most experienced sawmilling equipment supplier in Australia. The company is located at Kendall on the mid north coast of New South Wales which was once the heart of Australia’s native forest industry.
All email recipients at the client site were experiencing extremely high volumes of SPAM through their Exchange email accounts. Some of the SPAM was being captured by the Exchange SPAM filter however a large volume (in the thousands) was still making its way to the end user mailbox on the Workstations and handheld devices.
The SPAM that was captured by the Exchange SPAM filter introduced an administrative overhead as the SPAM mailbox had to be checked for false positives created and was quite a time consuming process. Beyond the administrative work created it also lead to an enormous amount of client frustration across all users.
Integer IT implemented a 14 day Trial of MailGuard which is a “Cloud” based email filtering service. The client found that their incoming SPAM dropped to almost zero overnight and they requested that we proceed with the fully licensed version within 5 days of the Trial being implemented.
We noted from the MailGuard reporting engine that not only had the SPAM been reduced but over 3,500 connections per day were rejected by MailGuard. This drastically reduced unwanted Internet traffic into the client’s premises.
The network performance increase and hours of time was saved by users no longer constantly reviewing and deleting unwanted or malicious content.
Liz at A E Gibson and Sons said… “We are delighted that Integer advised us on implementing Mailguard on our system it has been one of the best decisions we’ve made. The amount of Spam coming through our new system was totally out of control and I would spend about an hour a day going through all the spam working out which emails were “real” and which just needed deleting/blocking.
Our Management team were totally frustrated about the amount of junk coming through to their phones and the process of having to wade through it all to retrieve the relevant emails to our business. We are certainly 100% happy with Integer’s recommendation of Mailguard and the way it is performing on our system.”