
Managed Print

Managed Print- Hewlett Packard

Integer IT has immersed itself in the world of HP Manage Print and have teamed up with HP to deliver managed print to the Mid North Coast. We are off and running having already planned and installed some large HP multifunction devices (MDF’s) into one of our IT managed customers in Taree. It’s gone without a hitch with two more to follow soon so now is the time to update our clients with this news.

Integer IT has introduced managed print into our portfolio as we are often blindsided when a supported customer installs a new MDF or printer via a third party and we must make the new device work on the network or via cloud connectivity, generally with no or little notice. Importantly after the hardware installation is completed clients then raise support tickets for “I cannot print” requests which we then resolve.

Without doubt one of the big pluses is our ability to provide a print audit to review which current devices are working hard and maybe others that aren’t so the whole flee replacement isn’t a given.

Finally, Integer have always supplied printers and have done since inception we are just adding the ‘managed print’ option to clients who want to take up this service with their managed IT support.

When your Core IT systems are set up correctly with a strong and stable platform, you’re better able to adapt and manoeuvre your IT infrastructure to suit your business needs.

At Integer IT, we have a team of experts who can offer vast experience in designing, building, maintaining, managing and troubleshooting Core IT infrastructure environments.

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